Sunday, March 29, 2009


My brother Jonathan and his wife Jen went on vacation and we got to babysit!!!! We love this dog! The boys had so much fun and she is so could you not love her. She peeded and pooped on my carpet a couple of times but I didn't care...she was just so cute! I loved her. The boys want a dog more than ever we are working on Daddy! Owen's first official "first word" besides mom, is Bella. He would hold his hand out and snap his fingers and say...Wella, Wella" So CUTE! Thanks Jonathan and guys can go on vacation anytime!


Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

That is a cute little puppy. I'd be afraid to hurt it she is so small. You're crazy though- 4 boys and a dog. jk We want a dog- just not anytime soon. Sienna is obsessed but as long as we have friends right now with puppies, that's good enough for me.


Kirchner Family said...

When I first saw the picture I thought you had worn Brent down finally! That puppy is sooo cute! Owens Birthday is coming up.

Happiness is Homemade said...

YEA for puppies!

Becky Eastman said...

Greg's not a dog lover either but we tricked him by bringing home a "tester" puppy and letting him hold it. Who can resist a sweet little furball puppy?

Amy Pennington said...

Oh my goodness what a cute dog!!! Too bad it wasn't permanent!!

Cindy Killebrew said...

How fun! My kiddos want a puppy so bad. Bella certainly is a cutie!

Matt, Karin, Sienna, Sadie & Tanner said...

Did Brent tell you about Jake and Sadie? He was so cute with her in class on Sunday. He was holding her and she was so happy, then he passed her off and she started bawling. He was telling the girls how to hold her, it was so funny. Then he accidentally called her Bella. :) How is it having a dog? Oh, we need a post of your cupcakes and Owen's b-day fun!! Sienna started singing Happy Birthday Owen last night- they must have sung to him in nursery.
